
I’m away until 2nd November,  any orders will be processed on my return.

“Cynthya is a Light Worker,

and her passion is
for World Peace.” 

” This will be possible, when the power of LOVE
exceeds the love of power.”

As a Light Worker, I have been inquisitive and attached to the Metaphysical Realm since my earliest memories.

Streaming from a long line of gypsies, seers, healers and loving parents I have evolved always knowing that there is more to this world.

I organise Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual tours to Egypt, facilitate workshops focusing on Spiritual Growth.

I am a :-

  • Certified Advanced Angel Intuitive
  • Crystal Worker
  • Oil Therapist
  • Etheric Soul Healing Practioner
  • Releasing Self Sabotage Practitioner
  • Master NLP Practitioner
  • Biological Decoder
  • HeartMath Certified Trainer
  • Author
  • Lightworker

I facilitate sacred healings, “Channelling that which is for the highest good of my client, and I work with all beings in the LIGHT.”

Regularly attends the Lemurian Choirs, Immersing into the Pleiadian and Lemurian memories, awakening the wisdom in my DNA bringing through the Language of Light from the Star Mothers.

“Cynthya holds weekly Ascension,
Healing and Meditation Circles.

I co-ordinate the local annual Health and Lifestyle Expo at The Historical Kuttabul Hotel Grounds.

I have been blessed with many wonderful teachers in this life and has attended many workshops.

In my spare time I am a loving wife, mother, nurse and friend to many.

A Bit of Family History :-
My Paternal grandmother used to have weekly circles, which I have fond infant memories of, tealeaf readings and the like. They just called it morning tea.

My Maternal great grandmother was a Romany Gypsy – she still keeps an eye on me, and tells me who to “play with” and scats the others away with her broom !    Stop laughing, its true.


Leichardt Tree

Rata Tree
That is Cynthya standing beneath the tree.
Look closely between the legs.
This tree told me he is more
than 1000 of our years !

Turtle Journey – Synchronicity & The Universe
Available NOW

This story is about one of the journeys that Stella experiences incarnated here on planet Earth, her family, the paths she walks and the people she meets along the way.

To read more, Click Here

The long awaited sequel to
“Turtle Journey”
Available NOW!

Available NOW!

Awakening-The-Sleeper-WithinAwakening The Sleeper Within
Available NOW!
The concise guide book to accessing
your own multidimensionality



Serendipity pure Egyptian Chakra Oils

Essential, exotic, exquisite pure Egyptian Chakra oil.
Discover why the Ancient Ones had close communication with the gods.
Amazing healing and growth has resulted from these exquisite fragrances.
14 exotic oils, encompassing our 7 physical chakras and 7 for our chakras in other dimensions:

1 * Red Amber…Ground or base , our connection to planet Earth.
2 * Musk…Naval or sacral…our centre of power.
3 * Yasmin…Solar plexus our centre of I AM.
4 * Rose..(master oil) Heart …our centre of love.
5 * Amber-Cashmere.. Throat…express our thoughts and feelings.
6 * Sandalwood..Third eye…maturity.
7 * Lotus Flower..Crown To be able to communicate on a higher level
8 * Papyrus…Higher self. Connect human and universe..
9 * Myhhr…Spirit, protection.
10 * Nile Flower align with Mother Earth
11 * Frankincense receive guidance by Light Spirits
12 * Golden from other sources

13 * Carnation Spice..higher vibrational level
14 * Flower of Saqqara…Crystalline Energy perfect!
15 * Lavendar Oil… for self Love.
16 * Vanilla Oil… for Feel good.
17 * Key of Life… Unlocks doors.
18 * Trinity… for Soul Unity.

New oils in transit from Cairo !!
More exquisite fragrances added to the collection.

CLICK HERE for Oils  (more details)

Most bottles are $40.00 each.
Exceptions are Spikenard, Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Rose and Sacred Black Oude, please contact for the costs.
Wholesale enquiries are very welcome.

Rare Pink Dolphin


The Guardians at Cape Hillsborough  (one of my favourite places)